Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sharing points

Bismi-llahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahimi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.

Assalamualaikum / Greetings dear readers.

The following was whatever knowledge i managed to get and recall from just now's lecture at Darul Makmur Mosque. Still havent get the name of the ustaz who was lecturing, insya'Allah i will edit this post to include his name.

1) Knowledge that we get, haram for us to keep to ourselves. We must share with others.

2) He mentioned the story of Nabi Musa A.S. and Nabi Khidir (Khadar). Nabi Musa is a well known prophet and messenger. But why did Allah order him to go far away and seach for Nabi Khidir? The reason is he made a simple mistake. Someone asked him, "Who are you?" and he answered, "I am myself". For this simple incident, it may be nothing for us. But compare this to another incident. Someone came up to Rasullah SAW and asked, "Which is the best and worst place on Earth?". At this point, Rasulullah SAW didnt know the answer, but he replied, "Wallahua'alam (Only Allah knows best)". Then came archangel Jibril A.S. to teach him and the answer to that question was MOSQUES and TOILETS.

From here, we can see the difference in how a question was answered. Thus Nabi Khidir was sent to teach Nabi Musa of some manners. Also, he cannot be a wali or saint. Because prophets are higher in ranks than saints in the eyes of Allah. We only have saints now because prophet Muhammad SAW has left us and he is the seal of the prophets. The only other prophet which will come back to fight the dajjal is Nabi Isa A.S.. Other than that, only certain people will be granted permission by Allah SWT to meet with Rasullah SAW and maybe some other prophets, Wallahua'lam.

Back to the story of Nabi Khidir; when Nabi Musa came to him, Nabi Khidir could recognise him without asking his name whatsoever. Bear in mind also that this was the first meeting between those two. Another sidetrack. Saints or wali can be granted this special "power" or "gift" as well. With the use of khaddam or jin, one may get ilham or "direct communication" (not wahyu). They can then tell things that we thought only we and Allah knows. But if Allah wants to grant people with that knowledge as well, He will. For He is The Knower of all things, seen or unseen.

3) An 'alim or knowledgeable person is not an 'alim until he learns from someone who is senior of him and also junior of him. (something we can relate to in our lives if we were to sit down and think back carefully)

4) if someone does an ibadah or act of worship, there are two criterias which if fulfilled, it will be taken as a good deed or pahala. one is, ikhlas or sincerely because of Allah SWT. and the second is, in accordance with the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW.

If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Shaiytan the accursed.


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