Thursday, December 3, 2009


Bismi-llahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahimi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.

Assalamualaikum / Greetings dear readers.

Just wanna share some random things i've learnt yesterday night insya'Allah.

1) We know abt angels or malaikat. Yes their iman is constant are they are like perfect coz they do not do any sins or any bad deeds. But it stops there. Its constant, wont go down or even up. Their iman stays where it is. However, all species other than human are made for the latter. Even the malaikat. The thing we forget is that, we can be worse than them, as in our belief is not strong and we can fall back behind them in terms of iman and darjat in the eyes of Allah. But what many people do not know is that, we can exceed them as well. Meaning we can be as good as angels, or even much better than them. If Allah wills. That is why human beings are special.

2) One reason for us to have the ability to overtake the malaikat in terms of iman is our effort. Allah sends down trials and tests for us in our life not without a purpose. We often pray to keep away from bad deeds such as pride, stingy, stubborn, always wanting praises from others and doing things to satisfy the nafsu. However, that is where the blessing in disguise is. When we are faced with those challenges, it is our iman which will determine whether we can overcome them and go up step higher in reaching to Allah SWT. Without those trials, we cannot elevate. Getting a place in Jannah is not cheap. Its the same as trying to get a high salary pay job. We have to work hard first to get a good education and equip ourselves with skills before we deserve a good job. People who claim that they do not face those trials, are either lying or they are dead spiritually. Because without these tests, we cannot increase our belief towards Allah SWT and that is something wrong.

3) People who place the Quran in front of them now; the Quran will place them in front on Judgement Day. Meaning, if we hold on the Quran, read it and not put it aside now, then the Quran will give us its aid during Qiyamah. Quran is not a book. They are the Words of Allah. Words in this context is not just something that comes out from the mouth and reach our ears before it just disappear. They have been a story about a man who had just passed away and was being carried to his graveyard. On the way, he saw a bright shining man and that man claimed himself to be the Quran who will help him in the graveyard because in his lifetime, he like to read the Quran. Thus we cannot leave the Quran behind but read it constantly. Quran also draws us towards a conversation with Allah SWT. There are many verses which strikes a direct conversation with Allah, such as verses where we pray and ask Allah for something we want. Thus all these will further bring us nearer to Allah SWT, insya'Allah.

Hope this will be useful to all of us insya'Allah

If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Shaiytan the accursed.


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