Monday, October 19, 2009

Point of View

Bismi-llahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahimi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.

Assalamualaikum / Greetings dear readers.

Insya'Allah this post will be based a bit on my understanding and what i've been able to recollect so far. I try my best not to write posts on my own recount but there's some things i would really like to share.

This world is full of dunya rather than akhirat. The temptations in this world are many. But Islam has been brought down to us, not for the sake of pride, but to understand and venture deep into the knowledge that holds within and truly seek and realise that what pleasures Allah SWT will in turn give us pleasure too, with a great load of patience as well.

In surah Al-Fatihah, we seek and beg Allah to put us on sirat Al-Mustaqim, the Straight Path. This is the true path, the one and only that Allah truly blesses. There are many other paths out there which Allah may give permission for us to be on it, but it doesn't mean Allah blesses us in that path. Slowly, i've began realising that this path is like a river with many channels. All these channels finally come together into one stream, to the Divine Truth.

We are muslims, but if it is really no point if we keep wandering around in circles, not making any sense or getting satisfaction and understanding what we have been doing for the past years of our lives. Islam is the only religion, and there has to be something really special about it. For those who think deeply, there is no sense if we follow Allah's words without understanding what is the moral behind it. We may pray our fardhu solaat in the mosque for all 5 times in a day, but if we do not learn or extract the fruit of it, we can still consider ourselves going round in circles, not elevating to the next level.

For myself i realised that for the past years, i thought learning alone puts me on the path. Getting the basics and fundementals plus trying my best to do what pleasures Allah and leaving behind what He hates. But i was still unclear of what was ahead of me. I can't see the end destination i was heading to. Worse still, along the way, i could not see any signboards or landmarks which was indicating to me that i was indeed on the right path.

Then i was being introduced to tabligh. There were good, holding on to Rasulullah SAW's sunnah a lot and devoting a lot of own time to religion and bringing in people and uniting Islam from neighbourhood level to globally. With them, Allah has showed me certain strengths within myself but there was still an emptiness inside of me. Although following Rasulullah SAW closely in his sunnah and practices, something inside me wonders truly; Who is Rasulullah SAW? How can i get to know Allah better? Do i really know who i am in the first place?

That was when Allah showed me the path of tariqah; Aurad Muhammadiyyah. To me, this is something which i have been seeking for truly. It is with this that i saw where i was heading to, with landmarks and signboards along the way. Not only that, this is the river, leading straight towards Divine Truth. We have to realise how low we stand in front of Allah SWT and that we cannot reach Him just like that. We need a Syeikh, a teacher who is given the "license" and responsibility to guide us. Because Rasulullah SAW is near to Allah, the wali and auliya and his respectable descendants are close to him. So if we are close to them, we go closer to Allah SWT insya'Allah.

It is with this tariqah that i have been granted permission by Allah SWT to see what I am created for, how all other knowledge comes into place with Allah's words and promises, how much Rasulullah SAW really cares for his ummah, and abilities normal people think is impossible to acquire and calls him shirk or black magic users; but Allah is the Most Powerful and if He wishes for someone to have it, he will have it.

Trials and tests come in their heaviest and most challenging form. It is thus easy to fall if we're not strong. But help comes in really unexpected ways. And all those help will give you back inspiration and revitalise yourself, just when you thought all hope is gone.

I've only been with this tariqah for 6 months now, and i have a lot more to learn. This is what i wanted to share for today insya'Allah. This is totally my point of view and i do not intend to start a debate. I beg Allah to forgive me for my lack of knowledge while writing this post.

May Allah SWT give us permission to hold on to the truthful path till the end of our lives, and to obtain more knowlegde with as much ikhlas to reach the destination where Allah wants us all to be. insya'Allah ameen.

If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Shaiytan the accursed.


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