Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Bismi-llahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahimi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.

Assalamualaikum / Greetings dear readers.


The above is the syahadah of a true muslim. We are muslims, but trials in life shakes ourselves, both externally and internally. Till we neglect, syaithan will keep piercing through every part of our body.

The syahadah is something that we can say very easily. But to fully understand the true meaning when the syahadah comes out from someone's mouth is not easy. Anyone today can SAY the syahadah. Muslims. Jews. Christians. Anyone. Because the perception today is that saying the syahadah ends just there.

Bring ourselves back to Rasulullah SAW's time. Abu Jahal was one of the strongest and most bitter enemy to Islam. Why did he refuse to say the syahadah? He can just say it like how many people can today. But he understands that by saying it, he is actually undertaking an oath. That he witnesses that there is truly no God but Allah, and Muhammad SAW is His messenger. And he admits that he is Allah's servant, and without His will, he will not be around. Also, Abu Jahal understands that if he says the syahadah, his status will drop down to earth and all his wealth is gone. His pride will be lost.

That is the true meaning of the syahadah. So much meaning for just a short phrase which many of us take for granted. So saying the syahadah = admitting and taking an oath in it. Something that one will hold on to till the end of his/her life. Something that one will come back to if he/she has done a lot of sins. Something that a true servant will return to eventually even if he/she had been idling for as long as he/she could recall. All around us are not only normal human beings or other creatures. The world unseen to our eyes reveal something much more greater and astonishing. Malaikat on our right and left shoulder, our good and bad deeds floating around ourselves.

Insya'Allah, the next time we say the syahadah or even anything, the unseen world is witnessing us too. And these witnesses will come forward on Judgement Day and admit to whatever they hear or see about us. May Allah bless us all. And may we be able to constantly give salaam to Rasulullah SAW, who will give syafaat to his ummah on that day. Ameen.

If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Shaiytan the accursed.


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