Saturday, January 30, 2010


Bismi-llahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahimi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.


Assalamualaikum readers. Currently, I've been given the strength and permission by Allah SWT to attend lectures by Ustaz Hafidz As-Suhaimi. This weekly lecture is carried out every Friday at Madrasah Al-Maarif, which is located near Paya Lebar MRT station, Singapore. It starts roughly around 9.15 PM and ends around 10.45 PM latest, after which there will be some pencak silat training.


For the benefit of those who did not get the chance or could not make time for this lecture which I find very useful and easy to understand, Ustaz has allowed lecture to be recorded in an audio .wav format and share it with everyone insha'Allah.

The above is a lecture regarding ramadhan. Ustaz Hafidz touches on several points with regards to fasting. It may be a bit late to post now, but hey there are still some 15 days left for fasting. Insha'Allah it will bring benefit for us all.

If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Shaiytan the accursed.


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