Monday, February 8, 2010

Extract From “Sufi Sage of Arabia”

Bismi-llahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahimi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.

The following extract was copy pasted from the book entitled "Sufi Sage of Arabia", which is a book about Imam `Abdallah ibn `Alawi al-Haddad. This book is currently loaned from Yishun Library, but it is for sale at Al-Markaz, Arabic Language Centre, located just outside Sultan Mosque in Singapore. There are other good books there with regards to Sufism.

Imam Haddad is one of the high ranked saints who became totally blind after a sickness befell him. But even so, he still received many visitors who came to ask him about issues related both to the world and the Thereafter. His house is as small as an MPV car. During his young life, he used to attend Quran recitation lessons after Fajr and straight after, he will go to any mosque and pray 1000 – 2000 rakaats voluntarily. Subhanallah. He is also one of the wali khutub. Here's the extract:

In effect, the Imam was well known to endure quite patiently whatever harm came to him from his relatives, in-laws, companions, visitors, or any other member of the community. This had always been and still is the Alawi tradition. His rule was, as he put it, "We never censure or ask to account those who are neglectful towards us."

When one of his companions complained to him that a certain man had abused him, he answered, "Can you not bear a few words? We hear what is being said to us, forgive those who abuse us, and treat them well." And when a man publicly abused him on the street, he sent him a gift of money and apologized to him. *end quote

From here, we can learn about how we should control our anger. Nowadays, we get many accusations and fitnah. Also, it is not uncommon that people use vulgarities on us, sometimes getting our family names involved. The saint or wali imam al-Haddad teaches us to take all these in and let go, making sure that we don't get our emotions and feelings provoked at the same time. We can learn how much love and understanding he has for other human beings that he take all those insults as mistakes human beings normally make, instead of a big issue. Insha'Allah, may this be of good knowledge for us to apply in our daily life. Ameen.

If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Shaiytan the accursed.


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