Bismi-llahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahimi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.
Insha'Allah there are several things to be shared today. All are in audio mp3 form, downloadable.
1) Ustaz Hafidz As-Suhaimi lesson on 5th March, 2010. His lesson covers mainly the love of Prophet Muhammad SAW with respect to maulid Rasul this month. This took place at madrasah Al-Maarif at lorong 39 geylang, Singapore. Lesson is in Malay language. Link :
2) Maulid Rasul Barzanji in Arabic language. This took place at madrasah Al-Maarif at lorong 39 geylang, Singapore. This event was carried out for 13 nights straight, starting from 1 Rabiulawal till 13 Rabiulawal 1431 Hijrah. Along with this maulid is the nazam and doa'as usually read by currently last born tariqah, Aurad Muhammadiyah, in Singapore. Link :
3) Maulid Rasul Dai'bai in malay language. This took place at madrasah Al-Maarif at lorong 39 geylang, Singapore. This event was carried out for 13 nights straight, starting from 1 Rabiulawal till 13 Rabiulawal 1431 Hijrah. Along with this maulid is the nazam and doa'as usually read by currently last born tariqah, Aurad Muhammadiyah, in Singapore. Link :
4) Doa'a by Ustaz Rifaie Abdul Hadi, amir of Al-Bustan, Singapore. This doa'a was taught to be read after fardhu prayers. This doa'a was also read by the martyrs of Islam in the past before they went to war. Link :
5) Nasheed by unknown Syrian group. This audio is something that really is nice to hear, truly and purely Syrian style. It is something worth sharing. Links:
May all of us get baraqah and salamah in dunya and akhirat by benefitting from these useful audio files. Ameen.
If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Shaiytan the accursed.
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