Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wudhoo and Bleeding

Bismi-llahi ar-ra?mani ar-ra?imi, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And I beg for forgiveness from Allah for whatever sin that I have done in the past and to show me the right path. Ameen.

Assalamualaikum / Greetings to all readers. I have decided to post up a question that a brother of mine asked me yesterday. I am not taking the position of Ustaz or the leaders in answering this question, just sharing what i found on the internet. This may be relevant to us as well insyaAllah.

His question was, if the pimple breaks, will the wudhoo be invalid? As young adults, we do develop pimples and this is my reason for sharing.

From what i found out, some leaders said it will only invalidate the wudhoo if the blood is extensive and flowing. In other words, the answer is no. But in cases like accidents where there may be really extensive blood flowing out of the body, then it may be invalid.

However, that brings me back to what an ustaz of mine once told me. He told the class about the story of Saiyydina Ali ra (if i'm not wrong it's him). For additional info, that warrior of Islam has a sword that needs at least 4 MUSCULAR MEN to LIFT UP from the ground. What incredible strength masyaAllah.

Back to the point, in one war, he was once being shot by an arrow or many arrows, i cant recall. However, he was still up and killing IN THE NAME OF ALLAH. (notice that this is TRUE JIHAAD. i'll share a story at the end of this post regarding hiss true jihaad way). After the war, the arrows are still there, in his body. LITERALLY. so, how did he remove it?

The way he did is also another question of his Khusoo. He called upon a brother of his, and took wudhoo for Solaat. He told that brother to take out fully the arrows that are in him while praying. Yes my brothers and sisters, while praying. He felt no pain when questioned about it. From this, it also shows that blood is flowing out WHILE PRAYING. but he continues to pray without taking wudhoo again.

Another event is when either Saiyydina Ali or Saiyydina Umar was praying (can't recall). and a pimple broke. he used his finger to wipe it off and continued praying. thus, pimple bursting does not invalidate wudhoo.

One more event i read up early this morning was about a muslim who was shot with arrows while praying. but he carried on praying without carrying out wudhoo again. (btw his reason for not stopping prayer was explained to the non-muslim who shot the arrows. it was, he did not want to stop as he had not completed a Sura. masyaAllah, what powerful faith did he have!)

Thus blood flowing in an extensive manner out may not necessarily invalidate the wudhoo. There are different views on this issue.

As promised, i will share a story about saiyydina Ali ra in a war and the true meaning of jihaad:

He was in a battle and was fighting a disbeliever. the disbeliever fell on the ground and was in the position to be killed by saiyydina Ali ra when he spit at him. Saiyydina Ali ar held his sword raised and did not kill him. The reason was, he was angry that the disbeliever spit at his face. Thus, the disbeliever asked him why did he not kill him. Saiyydina Ali's ra answer was that if he killed him, it will be out of ANGER instead of ISLAM. Thus he did not move himself and try to remove his anger. The disbeliever was moved by the faith and received hidayah from Allah SWT. thus, he converted on the spot. masyaAllah!

Dear readers, Islam is not about killing. Jihaad nowadays is not what was being taught by Allah SWT or Rasulullah SAW in the past. The true meaning of Jihaad is a struggle to be on the right path of Allah. Killing the enemies will only come into place if they are threatening to wipe off ISLAM and the muslims. Also, not everybody is killed, what like is happening now. Some conditions include:

- not an elderly / child / handicapped
- must kill only FACE-TO-FACE, NEVER from the back (Islam potrays braveness and the real man"
- not kill the innocent

i would also like to share a website, VERY good stories to read. =)

If there's any error, I'm open for rectification. None is perfect as perfection only belongs to Allah (God Almighty). All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side and the side of Satan the accursed.


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